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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est adsense. Afficher tous les articles

$3 Million in 6 Months With Adsense!

This is the first of a series of Internet success stories you will start to see on the Power Play Blog.
I hope you enjoy!
Markus Frind, the creator of is a success story noted,
He managed to take from a niche once ruled by large corporations and give their own brand Marketing knowledge.
A case of David against Goliath, where the little guy comes out on top in the end.
Markus is greater AdSense publisher "individual" in terms of page views.
Lets find out what some of his secrets are as he shares some tips with our readers.
Feel free to comment! Markus, what is your experience in computer programming and how he is Preparing to become a webmaster?
The views per day on average page is about $ 14 million in the last week.
I get another 80 million page views per day of voting site users to see if they have new messages.
Really intensive band width direction!
When I go to your website, I realize that the ads are targeted to my area,
however, I have not even counted can you explain to our readers how to accomplish this feat?
I'm just using Basically, I take your IP address, search the database and tells me What your city is.
Can I make a list of users in the city, there is no magic at all.
Most of your visitors come mainly from search engines (SERPS)
Or do you find that come from other avenues? You actively Announced in the media?
Search engines account for something like 2% of my traffic. The vast majority of my traffic,
like any other site with over 5 million pages viewed per day comes from word of mouth and repeat Visitors.
Existing services seem to be offered at no cost to registrants.
Is there any advantage it has over its competitors that allows you to do this?
I developed new algorithms that allow me to create a mega site for almost no cost.
Several years ago, I created algorithm that was thousands of times faster than the algorithm used in The 1990s to find a string
22 prime numbers.
When a teacher uses multiple computers and hundreds of supercomputers in the ordinary course of Several years to find a
Check in. I did the same thing on a computer in two weeks.
Fascinating! Are there other sites that you currently maintains, or the only one?
It is the only site at the time.
I have a few other sites I registered for friends so they can learn to do things marketing / affiliate.
At this point, I think one site enough.
A tip for those looking to create a profitable business on the Internet?
If someone thinks that it is a great idea, I would not ...
Find something that no one thinks is important and build a site with lots of traffic in the area. Also Keep in mind,
Sites that have low monetization today but that traffic can be gold mines of tomorrow.
In the world of internet anything and everything will be monetized at some point and traffic is king.
The wise traffic tips Markus Kingdom.
One last question How do you find the time to keep a large and on the Internet?
Must certainly have other interests in life, and overseeing the programming and website?
It only takes an hour a day on average, but their very stressful job.
I spent another couple of hours to read and watch what happens.