The sole purpose of starting a business is to serve and make money accordingly. While it is necessary to spend money to make money, spending too much money, you can not connect to do enough. These days, many small businesses fail to succeed because of the common pitfalls money all they have to do with how business owners spend money on these companies. If you own a small business or are thinking about starting one, you must take care of these next six pitfalls that can slow down or even destroy your business.
1. Promotion of business poor and ineffective. Everyone is out there promoting your business and you think you should. The sole purpose of promoting business is to create an attractive brand. This is what differentiates you from your competitors. If you are spending money on promoting the business and you can not do that, you lose money.
2. No business plan. This is a very smart thing and is ideal for when you set goals and objectives and how to go about them since the beginning of your business. This becomes your business plan. Without a clear plan, it is difficult or impossible to know how they are in business. It is important to base all business decisions in this plan. Without it, most of the time, your company actual waste that can damage your finances will face in real time.
3. Keep inefficient employees at work. Employees are ineffective or because of poor training or inexperience. If you pay people who can not do the job, you lose money.
4. Poor record keeping. In any business, money money usually comes and goes. You must have a good record of what comes in and what goes on and what for. If you are unable to keep good records, you go to the front of leaks and waste that your business can afford less. The lack of financial records and poor actively promote waste.
5. overspending. For utility and the various accounts, it is good to pay for what you need at all. Public offering of opulence to show your business is pure waste of money. Although removing an essential utility is not recommended, you can save real money every month by using less expensive options available. This way, you can manage to keep your costs very low the month of structure in months.
6. excessive cost of office space. The rule here is to hire only the office space you need at all and is an ideal accessible location. You do not have to run your business as neighbors. Everyone is luxury does not mean that you should also. You should try to keep costs in mind when still decide on rental costs.
Now that you know these traps can now take steps to reposition your own business, do not allow them to destroy the company. If you run a small business, it is time to act. A delay is not in their best long-term interest.
Sule Yesufu, Certified Speaking Professional, has been a strategic partner in the management of SDY Consult, an investment firm, small businesses and consultants in business since 1999. He is an author and newspaper columnist published. The man of the personal and professional development of small, focused on communication of his ideas and thoughts mainly through its training seminars and popular blog. It offers advice on self-improvement, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, latest news, politics and business in Nigeria, the most populous in Africa and dynamic country.
For more business tips, visit:
1. Promotion of business poor and ineffective. Everyone is out there promoting your business and you think you should. The sole purpose of promoting business is to create an attractive brand. This is what differentiates you from your competitors. If you are spending money on promoting the business and you can not do that, you lose money.
2. No business plan. This is a very smart thing and is ideal for when you set goals and objectives and how to go about them since the beginning of your business. This becomes your business plan. Without a clear plan, it is difficult or impossible to know how they are in business. It is important to base all business decisions in this plan. Without it, most of the time, your company actual waste that can damage your finances will face in real time.
3. Keep inefficient employees at work. Employees are ineffective or because of poor training or inexperience. If you pay people who can not do the job, you lose money.
4. Poor record keeping. In any business, money money usually comes and goes. You must have a good record of what comes in and what goes on and what for. If you are unable to keep good records, you go to the front of leaks and waste that your business can afford less. The lack of financial records and poor actively promote waste.
5. overspending. For utility and the various accounts, it is good to pay for what you need at all. Public offering of opulence to show your business is pure waste of money. Although removing an essential utility is not recommended, you can save real money every month by using less expensive options available. This way, you can manage to keep your costs very low the month of structure in months.
6. excessive cost of office space. The rule here is to hire only the office space you need at all and is an ideal accessible location. You do not have to run your business as neighbors. Everyone is luxury does not mean that you should also. You should try to keep costs in mind when still decide on rental costs.
Now that you know these traps can now take steps to reposition your own business, do not allow them to destroy the company. If you run a small business, it is time to act. A delay is not in their best long-term interest.
Sule Yesufu, Certified Speaking Professional, has been a strategic partner in the management of SDY Consult, an investment firm, small businesses and consultants in business since 1999. He is an author and newspaper columnist published. The man of the personal and professional development of small, focused on communication of his ideas and thoughts mainly through its training seminars and popular blog. It offers advice on self-improvement, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, latest news, politics and business in Nigeria, the most populous in Africa and dynamic country.
For more business tips, visit:
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