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Performance Management Sings the Blues - is broken, how to solve

Most companies and their employees sing the blues management performance. Employees hate, some CEOs argue, fewer managers do well and do not necessarily improve performance. So I do?
 It is time for a change.

Is the problem not work

Here are some startling statistics WorldatWork: study on the state of performance management.

Only 10% of media management champions employees sensation
Only 12% of employees believe senior management to see that the critical business
Only 30% of employees have confidence in your business system
58% of employees procedures give your company a grade of C or less
And, Reuters, 80% of employees are dissatisfied with their performance evaluations.

The studies do not tell the whole story. Here are some examples of what I heard working in companies on four continents and a variety of industries.

My boss does not know what I'm doing, but once a year I evaluate?
Why bother, for a 2% increase? We made ours this year. All received an increase in the cost of direct gas gift card.
Too much work in line with our performance management tools, and is not job-related.
This really is if the boss loves me. If you do, I'm fine.
Employees and managers tend to hate like performance management and the comments that go with it, especially because people hate to give and receive feedback.

An executive responsible for $ 500 million business shared with me that the highest level of his boss gave was 3.2. He told his boss.. "If you can not give me 5 you should kill me" His boss replied that "it's only a difficult level" I mean, that's wrong The main management problems! performance is that it examines, notes and reward.

The WorldatWork study said: "The management of the overall performance objective ... is the differential distribution of rewards based on individual performance" I think it's wrong, Should it not also on the increase.! performance?

According to the Building Foundation SHRM a high performance culture :. A new look at performance management, "Performance management is the" heel Management "Achilles human capital, often considered ineffective by employees and administrators Despite the time, effort and resources it consecrated management once rare performance achieved its objective expected to improve performance. "Today, managers are more focused on the completion of their performance management processes online or by filling out the form, which . great value conversations with employees in other words, they see it as another administrative task that should mark the system is broken,! some people value and needs to be fixed!

The solution to use today!

Getting started: communicate, communicate, communicate. This means starting with the planning team including the participation and contributions of its employees. Follow this with a conversation with each employee. Have informal, formless, or assessment, or a pay increase looming on the horizon. Only discuss the work of the employee and have a dialogue, not a monologue. The review work priorities, strengths, areas for improvement, objectives and key plans. The manager must begin by asking the employee thoughtful questions on key areas identified above. The manager must listen, add comments and to clarify the definition of the conversation moving forward. The manager and the employee should take notes on each discussion. This process will only begin to improve performance. Why? The employee and manager begin to respond and develop clarity about the objectives, priorities and expectations. Will be allowed to work through a simple, simple and durable.

In fact, whatever your type of business performance management system has any director can start improving today. This coaching methodology power through a newspaper on a monthly communication made throughout the year.

The report of the Corporate Leadership Council, performance and driving retention through engagement shows that leadership is the commitment to assist employees are also important in the management of performance. They are:. "Establish clear expectations, help employees employment, regular reporting, and find new opportunities for employees to succeed and grow" According to a global survey by McKinsey, these practices are more effective than . financial incentives, but less used by administrators Pat Riley, author of the Winner within, said it well: "A coach has to keep everyone on the team in touch with the reality of the present moment - of know where they are, know where they are below their potential, and knowledge openly and fairly. "

To be effective, managers must be educated and trained to ask the right questions, give and receive feedback, train and prepare an effective plan. These are longer matters. Why not spend less on performance management technology, and those who supervise employees - and make the most impact on your results?

Also, do you learn proven to become a better leader methods and the increased participation of employees? If so, I suggest you check this free ebook: How to Motivate-Pas-inspire employees: 10 keys to employee engagement.

Or, are you going through a lot of changes at work and wants to help you or others to deal with it better? Then check out this free ebook: Change Change Management.

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